Electric Vehicle Industry Jobs for a Future-Proof Career

Electric Vehicle Industry Jobs

Environmentally aware people are buying more electric cars. Developing technologies are also encouraging people to use electric vehicles (EVs), from bikes to cars to huge trucks. Rapid growth in the electrical vehicle industry is creating new jobs. Competent people with technical competence, creativity, and innovation are in high demand across the globe.  Electric vehicle (EV) growth in India is promising. The Indian government has lofty EV adoption plans. These goals include 30% EV penetration and 100% EV in India by 2030. Needless to say, this scenario will create millions of electric vehicle industry jobs.

The Indian government has promoted the EV industry through tax incentives, manufacturer subsidies, and nationwide charging infrastructure. The Indian EV market is also growing due to falling battery prices and more renewable energy sources. In addition, numerous global EV manufacturers have joined the Indian market, signaling industry growth and demand. The EV industry in India is predicted to expand rapidly due to government assistance and growing awareness of sustainable transportation alternatives.

Read on to learn about employment prospects and skills in the fast-increasing electric vehicle sector if you want to work there.

High-Demand Skills for Electric Vehicle Careers

Mechanical Engineering: Mechanical engineers design electric vehicle suspension, braking, and steering systems.

Electrical Engineering: Electric vehicle development requires electrical engineering. This field requires competence in power electronics, electric motors, batteries, and charging systems.

Software Developers: Electric cars are software-driven, hence they need software developers. These specialists need programming, data analysis, and software development knowledge.

Battery Technology: Electric car manufacturers rely on battery technology. This profession requires knowledge of battery design, development, testing, and management systems.

Data Analytics: Electric vehicle professionals must be able to analyze data to optimize performance, forecast issues, and increase efficiency.

Design: Electric cars need cutting-edge designs, thus designers are in demand.

Vehicle Integration: Professionals with this competence can integrate vehicle components and subsystems to work together. In the electric car sector, multiple systems must work together flawlessly to provide a dependable and efficient vehicle.

Environmental Science: Electric cars are promoted as a climate change and carbon emission solution. Thus, environmental science and sustainability experience can help in this profession.

Sustainability: Since electric vehicles reduce carbon emissions and climate change, sustainability is crucial to the business. Professionals must understand and incorporate sustainable energy sources into electric car development.

Project Management: The electric vehicle sector requires project management abilities to deliver complicated projects on schedule and within budget.

Marketing and Sales: Electric car promoters and educators must have marketing and sales expertise.


These are some of the skills needed for an electric vehicle job, which is evolving as technology improves. Thus, industry personnel must keep abreast of new advancements and trends.


Most Demanded Electric Vehicle Jobs

A research estimates that the industry needs over 5,000 engineers, rising to 15,000 in two years. But barely 1,000 EV engineers are still deployed in the EV sector.

The electric car industry in India offers a plethora of jobs. Electric vehicle design and development engineers design and develop electric cars and their components, as well as battery engineers.

Let’s take a look at the most sought-after EV jobs:

  • Engineers who design and develop electric cars and their components.
  • EV technology consultant.
  • Electric vehicle service engineers who maintain them.
  • Electric car battery engineers who create and develop batteries.
  • Electric car charging infrastructure developer.
  • EV charging station installation.
  • Electric car charging infrastructure engineers who design and construct charging infrastructure.
  • Marketing and sales personnel for electric automobiles.
  • Electric car policy and regulatory experts.
  • Professional electric car fleet manager.

Electric Vehicle Industry Skills and Manpower Gap: How to Close?

The skill deficit in India persists. Even though lakhs of engineers graduate each year, IT companies hire less than expected. Since EV demand exceeds supply, EV companies compete for top talent. The government and EV firms should work on measures like:

  • Government incentives include tax cuts, research grants, and education and training funds.
  • Industry-academia collaboration to reduce the skills gap by preparing students for EV jobs.
  • Up-skilling and reskilling programs to equip employees for the EV sector.
  • To attract and retain top EV industry personnel, offer competitive compensation, career growth and development, and a happy work environment.
  • Promoting diversity and inclusion in the EV industry may attract top people from varied origins and benefit the industry from diverse viewpoints and experiences.

 Concluding Note

The EV industry grew 108% and created more jobs. Bangalore has 62% of EV job listings, followed by Delhi (12%), Pune (9%), and Coimbatore (6%). The operation, sales, quality assurance, business development, IT, human resources, and marketing follow engineering in the EV sector. CIEL HR Services, a recruiting and employment firm has reported rising EV industry positions.

The Indian electric vehicle (EV) industry has grown 108% in employment over the previous two years, with Bengaluru leading in talent, according to this analysis. CIEL HR Services found that metro EV markets are growing.  Bengaluru has 62% of EV job ads, making it the most sought-after, following Delhi with 12% are Pune with 9%, Coimbatore with 6%, and Chennai with 3%.

Employee numbers have grown by 108% annually over the previous two years, according to the poll. 52 companies employing 15,700 workers were included in the “Latest Employment Trends in EV Sector 2023” study. Leading EV firms have employed 2,236 individuals in the previous six months.

EVs will create one crore direct employment by 2030, according to the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship. This may create five crore indirect employment. To accommodate growing demand, EV firms would focus on technical and specialized capabilities. Blue-collar workers will remain needed in manufacturing and industry, while office jobs will need AI, analytics, and app development.

This progression has domain knowledge and maturity in the supply chain, operations & procedures, and consumer behavior, therefore new-age organizations are likely to favor hiring personnel from the core automotive & allied sectors. Upskilling some profiles with electrical and electronics should be the priority.

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