Demand for Electrical Vehicles

Demand for Electrical Vehicles: Accelerating a High-Voltage Competition for Engineers

The electric vehicle (EV) revolution lies at the heart of the tremendous upheaval of the automotive engineering industry. The increasing demand for electric vehicles is altering the skillsets that businesses need to be competitive and will increase competition for engineers. Building diverse technical skill sets may be very beneficial for organizations and automotive professionals with…

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The Benefits of Sustainable Transportation

Benefits of Sustainable Transportation

Sustainable transportation, sometimes known as ‘green transportation’, refers to the strategies and initiatives implemented by businesses and organizations to enhance the environmental friendliness of their transportation operations and vehicles. Examples of sustainable transportation initiatives may include the use of an electric vehicle fleet or the reduction of the distance between stops on routes that have…

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Benefits of the EV revolution

Industries That Would Make the Most of The EV Revolution

The EV revolution has started transforming the world. It has attracted automakers, heavy engineering enterprises, and state-owned oil marketing companies. Many have announced or are planning newer and more innovative EV launches—Indian government policy to promote all-electric cars by 2030 drives this trend. Let’s look at a few sectors that will benefit more from The…

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EV Industry in India

EV Industry in India: All Set to Expand 49% between 2022 and 2030

Transportation is an unavoidable need in modern life. However, it contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions. Research shows that the transport industry emits 25% of energy-related greenhouse gases, which drives the EV Industry in India. Electric Vehicles (EVs) are essential to meeting national emission goals and a 1.5-degree Celsius climate change target. Luckily, 50% of…

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Electric Cars in India

Electric Cars in India: The Key to Meeting GHG Emission Goals

Transport is the second largest source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, hence decarbonizing it is crucial to combating climate change. Most European, North American, and Asian countries agree that car electrification reduces GHGs best. The government has subsidized electric cars in India (e-cars), although their effectiveness in decarbonizing the transport sector is unclear. India’s market…

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Job Opportunities in the EV Sector

Job Opportunities in the EV Sector

The worldwide transition to greener energy and sustainability requires electric vehicles (EVs). The switch to EVs not only reduces carbon emissions and improves air quality, but it also affects the job market, creating new opportunities and challenges. Recent trends indicate that the EV industry will continue to develop. Deloitte expects that EV sales will account…

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Barriers to Electric Vehicle Adoption in the United States

Barriers to Electric Vehicle Adoption in the United States

Many countries are making strong efforts to push manufacturers and consumers to adopt electric vehicle (EV) technology to combat the global climate catastrophe. However, EV adoption rates vary widely by market and region. EV adoption barriers make the electrification pace slower. What’s impeding EV adoption? Lack of charging infrastructure, EV performance problems, availability, and pricing…

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Modern EV Batteries: Overview, Lifespan, Warranty, and Afterlife

Modern EV Batteries: Overview, Lifespan, Warranty, and Afterlife

Modern EV batteries store chemical energy that generates electricity. Italian scientist Alessandro Volta created the battery in 1800. Today, we use computers, smartphones, satellites, and electric automobiles because of this amazing technology. Electric car buyers typically worry about battery longevity. Replacement of a battery pack is intimidating since the typical cost is $5,000–$15,000, not counting…

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Electric Mobility Adoption in Vietnam

Aggressive Electric Mobility Adoption Objectives in Vietnam

One of Southeast Asia’s fastest-growing economies, Vietnam’s government wants to lead in sustainable transportation. To support this goal, the government has established aggressive electric mobility adoption objectives in Vietnam. The government wants 10% of new Vietnamese automobiles to be EVs by 2030. Private companies are driving Vietnam’s new e-mobility push. The local EV market started…

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